Capacity Building
Enterprise Community Partners
Evaluation of the NY CBO Landlord Connector
Developmental evaluation investigating the successes and accompanying Enterprise in their ongoing reflections and improvements for their Community-Based Organization Landlord Connector initiative, working with CBOs to support landlords of smaller properties to qualify and provide housing to EHV recipients.
In collaboration with the Samuels Group
Year: 2022
Location: New York
Ford Foundation
International Fellowships Program (IFP) Alumni Tracking Study
Qualitative design, training of local researchers, and regional analysis and reporting the 10-year Alumni Tracking Study for the International Fellowships Program supporting higher education opportunities for people from marginalized communities who are leaders in promoting social justice.
In collaboration with the Institute of International Education (IIE)
Year: 2015-2018
Location: Global
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M&E Support to Peace Responsiveness Facility
Designed a Monitoring, evaluation and learning system for Peace Responsiveness at Interpeace through collaborative and participatory methods.
Year: 2021
Location: Global
United Nations Department of Management Office of the Under-Secretary General
Training in basic evaluation
Dynamic, participatory training for UN staff in basic evaluation that included the development of a manual on basic evaluation concepts and practical tools.
Year: 2016
Location: New York
Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
Course: Program Design and Evaluation for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises
Graduate course overviewing evaluation approaches, methods and practices, with practical exercises on scoping of evaluation, setting up program logic models using outcomes mapping methodologies, creating evaluation frameworks and plans, implementing quantitative and qualitative approaches to gathering information and data.
Year: 2015
Location: New York
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Leadership Development for Mobilizing Reproductive Health Program
Evaluation of the leadership development program supporting community health workers in highly fragile contexts, by employing action research-based methodology uniquely developed by our evaluation team.
In collaboration with the Research Center for Leadership in Action at NYU
Year: 2010-2011
Location: Global
United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV)
Review of Programme of UNV Volunteer Modality
review of the national UNV volunteer modality world-wide, including a global survey, case study countries and facilitation of institutional development of next steps.
Year: 2008-2009
Location: Global